Colorado Division 
of Veterans Affairs



County Veterans Service Offices

Each county in Colorado has a Veterans Service Office that offers free assistance to veterans with accessing benefits and filing claims to the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

Find your County Veterans Service Office.


Make The Connection logo and link to their websites is an online resource, created by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention (OMHSP), that is designed to connect Veterans, their family members and friends, and other supporters with information, resources, and solutions to issues affecting their lives.

You Are Not Alone

The Veterans Crisis Line is here for you. You don't have to be enrolled in VA health care or registered with VA to call. Dial 988 and press 1, text 838255 or click here to Chat

Veterans Crisis Line Logo

Veterans Clearing House

The following comprehensive resource library tailored for U.S. veterans is thoughtfully categorized to address varied needs commonly faced by those who have served in the military. This resource database is systematically mapped out, allowing veterans to easily locate relevant assistance nearest to their locations. From healthcare services to educational opportunities, financial aid, mental health support, and more, this resource library aims to provide veterans with streamlined access to the resources and support they deserve.

Access the Clearing House

For additions or corrections to the clearing house, please email Eric Winterrowd.

Linking Policy

The hypertext links or pointers to websites outside of are displayed on this website for convenience, and does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, views, or completeness of this outside information. For more information please view our Linking Policy.